Client Testimonials

“I had no idea I had chronic Lyme disease until the morning in June of 2011 when I awoke with an excruciating pain in my neck. I’d never had a bull’s eye rash and whenever I had a tick bite I removed the tick within the then-prescribed 48 hours. With excellent naturopathic care, I still navigated repeated debilitating flare-ups.

When I began working with Joan in June, 2015, I knew I was in calm, rational and knowledgeable hands. Of all the mostly holistic treatments I have tried to eradicate the pathogens and pain, Joan’s LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOLwas the one that cleared the symptoms and gave me my life back.

Using my symptoms as a guide, we uncovered and eliminated all of the pathogens, and they have never returned.

I was impressed and heartened by Joan’s compassion and brilliance. The protocol she has developed is profound and effective.

If I ever am bitten by a tick again, I will see a trained Lyme Magnetic Protocol practitioner immediately.

I am so grateful this protocol emerged through Joan’s extensive research, fueled by the training of her teachers.”

– Milli C.

“I will never be able to adequately express the gratitude that I feel for Joan as a biomagnetic therapist. Our daughter contracted Lyme disease when she was 10 years old. Over the following six years she suffered from many unusual complaints and health problems. We sought answers from many different doctors without success.

By the time Rachael was 17, we had seen considerable progress on long-term IV antibiotics. Yet we knew we were measuring her progress in baby steps.

A friend told me about Joan Randall’s LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL.  After talking to Joan over the phone I was hopeful that the protocols was the treatment that we had been seeking.

We began to see Joan last spring and from the moment we arrived in her office I was impressed by her considerable knowledge and desire to heal. Her natural compassion and ability to relate to her clients put us immediately at ease and made us feel confident that we were in capable hands.

We had several weekly appointments and based on the results we were seeing, took Rachael off antibiotics. Watching her dramatic improvement and return to health in a very short time was extraordinary and cause for celebration.

Rachael is thriving and living the life of a normal teenager. She is back in school and enjoying every moment of her senior year. She is applying to colleges and making other future plans. We know that Joan and her LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL were the turning point for Rachael and her long battle with Lyme disease symptoms.

– Maggie de Rham

“After college graduation, I found my dream job working in a music studio as an audio engineer. I was learning a lot, meeting comedians, musicians and even politicians.

I worked long hours, driving long distances and carrying heavy equipment. One day I noticed a painful knot in my neck. My primary care physician could not find a cause for my pain, but prescribed medication. My neck pain signaled the  beginning of my 5-year nightmare.

I saw 30 professionals, including neurologists, infectious disease specialists, acupuncturists, physical therapists, naturopaths, and pain management specialists.

Switching primary care practitioners four times, I was eventually seen at 4 prestigious hospitals where I met with top neurologists and other specialists.

I had blood work, cat scans and biopsies, etc. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and torticollis and many other diseases. I was also told that there was nothing wrong with me and to go see a psychiatrist. I was even accused of seeking narcotic pain pills.

I became bedridden, in constant pain. Every muscle in my body was tight with awful muscle spasms causing me involuntary movements. I couldn’t sleep, walking hurt my swollen feet, and holding things in my fingers hurt my tight and painful hands. I was constantly sick to my stomach, throwing up all the time and barely eating. I was depressed and felt utterly hopeless.

Finally I found a Lyme disease specialist who tested me with the Western Blot test. He found that I not only had Lyme disease but several co-infections.

During the two years under his treatment, I took many medications including strong antibiotics which caused nausea, stomach pain and the inability to eat. Although I was slowly improving, my muscle spasms remained unresolved.

My mother met someone that had been treated by Joan. She told her about the LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL and Joan Randall. I called Joan and made an appointment.

After years of my muscles being so tight and painful that sleeping was impossible, I relaxed so much in my first treatment that I fell asleep. Amazing!

After every appointment with Joan, I felt better. I began to sleep, people told me I was less pale. Everything that Joan had told me was going to happen happened just like she said.

I really cannot say enough good things about Joan. I feel like she is an angel and a miracle worker. I am in awe of what she does.

– Austin Cottle

“For the past year, Joan Randall has been helping me overcome a number of very serious physical and emotional issues. Thanks to her incredible healing abilities, my health has turned around.

Her professional, caring manner has made this trying period much easier for me to bear.

With her in my corner, I feel like I can now handle just about anything the Universe throws at me.”

– Dave

“Before I found Joan and the LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL, I tried several treatments for my various ailments. I have a background in Western medicine, but I had been sick for quite some time.

My body was unable to heal and my immune system continued to crash. The LYME MAGNETIC PROTOCOL saved my life.

I trust that my body will continue to heal and I remind myself gently that healing takes time. Joan’s treatment has enabled me to listen to my body and the messages it sends, allowing me an active role in my return to health.”

– CR

“Thank you for all the healing that you have provided me over these past few months. This general wellness that I have recovered was not possible through any allopathic means.

It has been really extraordinary to be feeling well and functional again. I have such gratitude for you and your work. It is so incredible that you have been able to treat the symptoms of Lyme and all of the co-infections and to intuit and know so much about what was going on in my body.

May the blessings you have shared so wholeheartedly return to you in many ways.”

– Andy
