Lyme Disease Symptoms Treatment

Lyme Disease Symptoms Treatment with the


Chronic Lyme Disease & Correlated Co-infections

Lyme Disease and its symptoms are highly complex, and requires a treatment strategy that is comprehensive and aggressive. Because Lyme also brings multiple co-infections – other pathogens beyond Lyme – all of these pathogens must be treated and eradicated to allow the body to return to health and wellness.

This takes time (usually between 7-10 sessions), and consistent, careful attention to avoid reinfection. Particularly challenging cases may require more than 10 sessions. Typically it can take up to 20 or 30 treatments for chronic Lyme Disease. Everybody is different, and the disease capitalizes on areas of weakness. Your case will be treated individually, thus the range of sessions required varies.

Initial treatments may need to take place every 10 days to 2 weeks. As the treatment progresses, patients generally go 2-3 weeks between treatments. Near the end of the protocol, treatments may be up to 3-5 weeks apart. The Lyme protocol is very different from other Biomagnetism Therapy treatments.

Patients may begin to feel marked improvement after several sessions and believe that they can discontinue or slow down treatment. This is not the case. The Lyme treatment must be completed in full for the treatment to be considered successful and effective. If you’ve had Lyme Disease symptoms for more than 3 years, your case is considered Chronic, and it needs to be treated carefully and cohesively. DO NOT SHORT CHANGE YOUR HEALING.

Rest is an important component for treating the symptoms of Lyme Disease. Be sure to factor this into your healing process. An over-stressed lifestyle is not conducive to healing, and has especially significant implications with Lyme Disease and its symptoms.

Session Description

An initial session (between 1.5-2 hours) begins with a brief review of your Patient Intake Form to understand the scope of your concerns. Your symptoms are significant and effective treatment revolves around carefully understanding what you’re experiencing.

Once you are settled on the table, I conduct a Kinesiology Assessment to learn where your body is harboring pathogens. You are asked to bring a clean pair of socks – cotton – to place on your feet, and to wear during the treatment session.

The testing is conducted through questions I ask your body, using your feet and legs to receive the answers. Specifically, your right leg shortens in response to the questions asked, pinpointing the pairs which require treatment as well as determining the order of treatment.

Magnets – a positive and negative charge – are placed on the entry and exit points – in the Borellia example referenced above, the negative charge is placed on the Costal hepatic and the positive charge is placed on the Liver. It is possible that you will have magnets placed on your body in multiple locations, depending on the results of the Kinesiology Assessment. During the time that the magnets are in place, patients generally relax deeply, move into light trance, or fall asleep.

There may be emotional and mental correlations to the disease that are identified through the Assessment. To the extent possible, these correlations will be treated with energy healing – clearing of energies in the subtle body. The body is an integrated system, consisting of multiple interacting fields or planes of awareness. While disease manifests in the physical body, the emotions and beliefs of the patient inform the body. You’ll simply relax and receive the treatment – magnets and energy.
